10/14/11 - Vegas Baby! – It had been a while since either of us had been to Las Vegas, and both of us were itching to see a few Vegas shows. As such, we gave Nina a call and set up a short little adventure to Sin City (although, we're not big on the Sin part). We saw some fantastic shows while we were in Vegas - the top of which was the Cirque Du Soleil show "O". The entire performance takes place over a gigantic pool of water. It has all of the traditional Cirque performances, but they are just ramped up by involving a little H2O. The show was phenomenal and I it has set a very high bar for this style of entertainment - I'm sure we'll hear ourselves saying - yes, this Cirque show was good, but it still doesn't hold a candle to "O".
We also made sure to visit the Blue Man Group show while we were there (we had seen them at another venue in Texas, but never in Vegas). The show was also quite good, and surprisingly extra-humorous. Nina joined us for this show and also for the Jabbawockeez Dance performance. The dancers were former winners of America's Best Dance Crew and they certainly put on an entertaining show. It wasn't "So You Think You Can Dance", but we definitely enjoyed the show.
While not catching all the shows we possibly could in our short stay we also entered a few poker tournaments. We all performed well, but I ended up placing in a top spot in both events (3rd and 4th) - Cha-Ching! On, and we also enjoyed our share of delicious food while visiting the various hotels.