- The tree has been decorated, lights are strung around the house.
Christmas cards are in the mail and Susan and I are ready for a winter
In an attempt to keep the holiday spirit as long as possible, we’re
trying to get an early start this year! Both Susan and I are looking
forward to visiting family and having family visit us. Until then, we’ll
have to settle for a few upcoming work parties.
You are not only looking at our new and improved website, but also my
final project for my Web Design class at UTA. The new site has dozens of
new features and includes several applications which will make the diary
much easier to navigate. I hope everyone likes the new look!
For some quick starting points, be sure to check out the quick links in
the bottom left hand corner. These will "jump" you to some of the
main pages. The red navigation arrows in the middle will allow you
to browse, chronologically, through the different months and years.
Of course, you can also use the file folder tabs to your left and right
(they work just like a notebook with file tabs...click on the right and it
will move over the the left and vice versa).
If you want to obtain
additional space, click the red paw in the bottom left hand corner.
That will remove the top banner (at least until the next time you visit
the site). I would make it a permanent item, but SWBell doesn't
allow users to send and receive cookies (a cookie is a file I send to your
computer with settings regarding my website).
For an index of all diary
entries, just click on the index tab or "jump" to it from the quick links
box. While browsing, please feel free to drop me an email if you
notice any problems!
Last night Susan I attended a concert for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. The TSO is an interesting mixture of
drums, electric guitar, synthesizers, and a traditional string orchestra.
Most of the music played during the concert were Christmas melodies with a
few classical pieces mixed in. The concert also includes an
impressive lightshow with strobes, lasers, and pyrotechnics.
For a small snippet of what their music sounds like, just click here.