After the party, which included 288 candles on the cake (not really, we cheated on the first 280), a journey was made to Fort Sill in order to claim several locationless caches. 08/01/04 - LAMPPJ #1 - The first "Lotus and Meowdoc Pool Party Jamboree" was as a success! Held the first weekend of August, the event included billiards, Mexican food, a little geocaching, and a lot of fun. Cachers in attendance were Fixitfox (Rick), Ninandaisy (Nina), Loubob57 (Lou), McDoodles (Joe), Javaman123 (Wes), and of course Meowdoc (Susan) and myself.
The following is a link to the log entry for more pictures and information. With any luck, we will be making this a bi-monthly event! 08/21/04 - Recent Relaxation - Susan and I have been taking several road trips over the past few weeks. The summer weather has been moderate down here, and we hated to waste it!
About two weeks ago we took a trip to the city of Granbury (about 45 minutes South of Fort Worth). It has a small town feel and offers a variety of quaint little shops. In fact, we purchased a new hummingbird flag for our flag pole out front and a kitty pillow from a store called "The Cat's Meow". In addition to the shopping, we also drove up to Comanche Peak and admired the view.
Last weekend we took a geocaching trip to Cleburne state park (also about 45 minutes South of Fort Worth). Cleburne is a small park which offers both hiking and canoeing. We took a big helping of both by canoeing around the entire lake (it isn't that big) and hiking several caching trails.
We also did a little caching this weekend, and will probably go do some photography this afternoon. All in all, it has been a very relaxing August! |