Now you can join THEHEADS.ORG community! It may sound cheezy, but it is really quite interesting. If you are not already a member of MyBlogLog.Com then you will see a link below that says “Join Our Community”. It only takes a few simple steps (such as picking a user name and a password). It asks for an email address, but it doesn’t verify the address (which means you can use a bogus one if you prefer). Once you create a profile (and add an avatar/picture) it will display your picture here for others to see (and it lets Susan and me know who is reading our website; currently unless someone drops me a line I have no idea). If you do not add an avatar then it will display nothing (bummer). As an added bonus you can post messages in the community for other THEHEADS.ORG community members to read. It is a good spot to post comments about specific blog/diary entries. Tell me what you think, point out typos, or just ramble a bit. Post as much as you want! |